Argentine peso to Swedish Krona Exchange Rate Today - Convert ARS to SEK

Convert 1 Argentine peso to Swedish Krona - ARS to SEK Exchange Rate Today

Find out Today's Exchange Rate between (Argentine peso) and (Swedish Krona) According to current global Exchange Rates - Currency Rates are updated every Hour
Use this tool to convert any amount from Argentine peso to Swedish Krona According to the latest update of the exchange rate for both currencies


1 Argentine peso(ARS) = 0.011835 Swedish Krona(SEK)

If you want to convert 1 Swedish Krona into Argentine peso instead, click on the following link

1 Swedish Krona to Argentine peso

1 Swedish Krona(SEK) = 84.495951 Argentine peso(ARS)

Exchange Rates between Argentine peso and Swedish Krona in recent days

Find out what the exchange rate of the Argentine peso was against the Swedish Krona in the previous days, whether it was rising or falling, and the extent of the changes in the exchange rate between both currencies.

at 30-05 the exchange rate was : 1 Argentine peso (ARS) = 0.011895686688528 Swedish Krona (SEK)
at 29-05 the exchange rate was : 1 Argentine peso (ARS) = 0.011878675261588 Swedish Krona (SEK)
at 28-05 the exchange rate was : 1 Argentine peso (ARS) = 0.011792102965865 Swedish Krona (SEK)
at 27-05 the exchange rate was : 1 Argentine peso (ARS) = 0.01188008690371 Swedish Krona (SEK)
at 26-05 the exchange rate was : 1 Argentine peso (ARS) = 0.012218232404567 Swedish Krona (SEK)
at 25-05 the exchange rate was : 1 Argentine peso (ARS) = 0.011983331438028 Swedish Krona (SEK)
at 24-05 the exchange rate was : 1 Argentine peso (ARS) = 0.012050666666667 Swedish Krona (SEK)
at 23-05 the exchange rate was : 1 Argentine peso (ARS) = 0.012059743628829 Swedish Krona (SEK)
at 22-05 the exchange rate was : 1 Argentine peso (ARS) = 0.012018394544836 Swedish Krona (SEK)
at 20-05 the exchange rate was : 1 Argentine peso (ARS) = 0.012050148612558 Swedish Krona (SEK)
at 19-05 the exchange rate was : 1 Argentine peso (ARS) = 0.012156242611651 Swedish Krona (SEK)

Quick Converter from ARS to SEK

5 Argentine peso = 0.059175 Swedish Krona

10 Argentine peso = 0.11835 Swedish Krona

20 Argentine peso = 0.2367 Swedish Krona

25 Argentine peso = 0.295875 Swedish Krona

50 Argentine peso = 0.59175 Swedish Krona

75 Argentine peso = 0.887625 Swedish Krona

100 Argentine peso = 1.1835 Swedish Krona

200 Argentine peso = 2.367 Swedish Krona

300 Argentine peso = 3.5505 Swedish Krona

500 Argentine peso = 5.9175 Swedish Krona

750 Argentine peso = 8.87625 Swedish Krona

1000 Argentine peso = 11.835 Swedish Krona

1500 Argentine peso = 17.7525 Swedish Krona

2000 Argentine peso = 23.67 Swedish Krona

3000 Argentine peso = 35.505 Swedish Krona

5000 Argentine peso = 59.175 Swedish Krona

10000 Argentine peso = 118.35 Swedish Krona

15000 Argentine peso = 177.525 Swedish Krona

20000 Argentine peso = 236.7 Swedish Krona